Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The exercise in class

This picture was taken when I was on the trip to New Zealand. I put it on the blog site so I just use this one to do the exercise in class. It is a sight of the fiord in the south island of New Zealand. At the bottom of the picture is the river, it is blue but it looks quite dark, because the glacier flew through here and made a deep river bed. In the middle are the mountains, and between the two peaks there are some clouds. The clouds come across the mountain and it just looked so marvelous. At the left bottom side of the picture, there is a white mountain. The mountain is surrounded by the clouds so it is not easy to be recognized. That mountain is really high and the snow there won’t melt in the whole year, so it looks pure white and shining. Also the right middle side of the picture, there is another mountain full of snow on it. At the bottom of the dark green peak, there are two boats. Both of them are filled up with tourisms taking pictures for these breathtaking scenes.

The picture is below this article.

Monday, May 14, 2007

New Work Yankees

In the recent games, the Yankees really didn’t hit well. The problem was nothing about the pitchers but the hitters. It seems like they just can not find where the ball is. Yesterday the main pitcher is Andy Pettitte, he only lost two point but the Yankees still lose the game. What’s more the two points both are not responsible to he, they are both caused by the error. Wake up the Yankees.

A picture that I took from New Zealand

The review of the trip to New Zealand

I'd been to New Zealand for half and a week this winter, and here are some articles that I found on the Internet for introducing New Zealand. Later after the chemical test is all over, I may post some reflection on.

"It was one of those days...so silent, so still, you almost feel the Earth itself has stopped in astonishment at its own beauty." —Katherine Mansfield
At the very heart of the North Island is a lake. It is the largest in New Zealand, and it is named TauponuiaTia. Appropriately, Taupo, as it is called, is somewhat heart-shaped—and it beats.
A long time ago, back in the mists of myth, Maui, the Polynesian trickster, caught his largest fish ever here. He told his brothers, "Be gentle with this fish until it is dead. Then it will make a fine dwelling place for many." (It was a big fish.)
Alas! You know how these stories go. The brothers ignored Maui's advice and hacked and whacked into the fish, which convulsed and died.
But the heart of the fish still spasms. Lake Taupo, the result of volcanic eruptions some 2,000 years ago, still pulses with hot waters deep within. Geysers, mud pools, and live volcanoes, in fact, are found throughout the North Island. A mountain named Ruapehu sent up grand ash plumes and lava in 1997, ruining the skiing season.
Oh yes, we ski on volcanoes here. While being aware and wary of the considerable dangers of dwelling alongside mountains prone to tantrums and pools that boil over, the people of the North Island have always taken advantage of the quirks of the land. The original settlers, Eastern Polynesians now known as Maori, cooked in the hotter waters and bathed in the warm springs.
From the time of Maui's brothers onward, humans have despoiled and abused the shining bright land, but we have also made gardens and built many structures of beauty. There are vineyards, farms, and bush-clad hills close to the cities—one of which, Auckland, is built atop seven dormant volcanoes, evidence of the characteristic Kiwi "she'll be right" attitude of perennial optimism.
Virgin forests still can be seen on the island, and there is unspoiled central plateau grandeur in Tongariro National Park. In the semi-tropical far north—the farther south you journey here, the colder it tends to get—you can still see huge kauri trees, alive long before humans arrived. And everywhere along the coast are beaches and reefs and islands less damaged than elsewhere in the world.
The Maori believe that when the Earth Mother was torn asunder from the Sky Father, she had just given birth. As her baby suckled at her breast, she was forced to face the underworld, to prevent her from trying to rejoin the Sky Father. The baby, resenting the darkness, became Ruaumoko, the god of earthquakes and volcanoes. He is particularly present on the North Island.
We have learned to walk more gently on our islands because he is there.

It's copy from the National Geography Magazine http://www.nationalgeographic.com/traveler/articles/1031north_island.html

How to Go to See a Doctor in Taiwan

We’re living in a modern world with many kinds of advanced technologies to make our lives better, but still those kinds of technologies can not guaranty us a no-virus or no-bacteria place to live. There are some chances for us to get sick, so it’s important to know how to go to see a doctor. Following are two ways to go to see a doctor in Taiwan.
In Taiwan, people usually go to a clinic whenever they catch a cold or so on. First, we can make an appointment with the doctor before seeing him or register when we arrive the clinic. Then, we go inside to see the doctor after the nurse calling us. Finally, we only have to wait for the nurse calling us to take our medicine, and we have to follow the prescription in order to cure our illness.
If someone has caught a serious sickness, then they might have to go to the hospital for a better treatment. It’s quite different and much more complicated than going to a clinic. Still we can go to each department to register by ourselves, but in a serious case, we might be sent to the emergency room and then the resident will come to take care of us. The resident will decide which department we should go. Then, we just go to see the physician, after that, the physician would tell us whether to stay in the hospital or go home for a rest. We just have to follow the tips given by the doctor to get rid of the illness.
These are the two ways to go to see a doctor in Taiwan, and both are pretty convenient ways I think. Besides seeing a doctor, having enough rest is also another important part to cure the illness. But it’s much better not to get sick. After all, no one likes to go to see a doctor or take medicine.

How to Go to See a Doctor in Taiwan

1. introduction, why do we have to see a doctor and there are two ways.
2. main text, the simple way.
the complicated way.
every step for seeing a doctor.
3. conclusion, although it’s convenient to go to see a doctor, it’s better to be healthy.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Last Saturday

Last Saturday, the ESPN channel had a outside broadcast for a baseball game, which is New York Yankees against Seattle Mariners, and Chien-Ming Wang is the pitcher. I went to sleep at about twelve o’clock in the midnight and I asked my roommate to wake me up at four, in order to watch the game. But the next morning, I waked my roommate up at about seven o’clock. It’s really a pity to miss that game, because Wang almost had a perfect game until the 8 inning, the perfect was destroyed by a homerun. He really did a great job at that game, he strike out four players in that game.

Monday, April 9, 2007

My Classmate

Here we are in a new class and facing new classmates, it’s important to know everyone and try to get along with them. Now Joseph Lu is a really good guy for all of you.
Joseph came from the middle of Taiwan, the Yun-Lin county, and his hometown is Bei-Gang. He is nineteen years old now. In his family, he is the youngest child with two older sisters.
He likes to do exercises, especially swimming. He goes swimming at least once a week and usually after six o’clock in the afternoon. Moreover he attends the swimming team of the Chinese-Medicine Department. Except swimming, he also plays basketball. I played a game with him once and he was pretty good at shooting the basket. In his free time, he likes to stay in the dorm and read some comic books. Comedies are also his favorite. I saw him watching the film “Friends” many times when I go to his room. He has two more hobbies that is eating and sleeping. He usually eats a lot in the cafeteria.
Joseph is a good guy. It is easy to get along with him, and he likes to do some shopping. He’s pretty generous to everyone. I hope we can know each other more in the future, and everyone should not miss the chance to meet such a good classmate.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My First Impression of Chang Gung University

Life in the university is totally different from my high school life. I had been studying at the same private school for six years from junior high to senior high school. Even though Chang-Gung is also a private school, I get much more freedom which was almost impossible in the past. I am now facing a new situation, and I am sure to get used to it soon.
To compare CGU with other universities, Chang-Gung is quite small and lack of history. However, the classmates, teachers and all the staff I had met here are all nice. Therefore, I really like this school, but still, it’s a pity that there is no air condition in the dorm. It is hard to imagine how life will be without air condition in the summer time. Besides, the school really provides me a good place to study, for example, the basketball court is just next to the dorm, so I can exercise whenever I want. Moreover, the first base floor of the library is the best place for me to study hard without any distraction, and it makes me well-prepared for the coming exams.
Finally, about the English writing class, my English writing ability is not very good. I think the main reason is the lack of vocabulary, but I wish I could improve both vocabulary and writing skill in this course.

Monday, April 2, 2007


When I was in high school, chemistry was one of my favorite subjects (the other is biology). In this semester, I have my first chemistry class in the university life, and to tell the truth, I was pretty upset to the class. I used to love chemistry a lot, but now I feel that there is no power and reason pushing me to love chemitry again. The class is quite boring and the teacher always repeat the contex in his ppt. And now we have to face the exams but I have no idea what he has taught us. Oh come on, can anyone help me to pass the test safely?

Tests Homeworks ........

It's the sixth week in the second semester, but we have already taken a midterm exam of the biology , and what's worse is that we will have two more midterm exams for English and Chemistry next two weeks. Oh what a miserable life. It seems like we come back to the high school life and have to take the TESTS all the time.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The First Post

This is my first time to have a blog online. It's quite interesting, but I really have no idea what to post. The first thing that came to my mind is to post some news about the NBA. Because I watch the NBA game every week whenever I have time. My favorite team is the Dallas Mavericks. And ........ maybe that's all. I'll have some more new articles in the future.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This artical is made by my classmates in the English writing class

This artical is made by my classmates in the English writing class. It's nothing about me!!!!!

A long time ago, there was a powerful panda living in Taiwan. He don’t like eat bamboo. His favorite food is junk. One day he walks on the street and he found that there is a big shit on the road. Wow, he is so happy because it contains lot of nutrients in it, besides, it was made by a golden dog. He ate the shit and then went away. Later, he discover that he make it on his own. As a result, he doesn’t need to find food any longer, and he just keeps having shit as his favorite meal in his life.