Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The exercise in class

This picture was taken when I was on the trip to New Zealand. I put it on the blog site so I just use this one to do the exercise in class. It is a sight of the fiord in the south island of New Zealand. At the bottom of the picture is the river, it is blue but it looks quite dark, because the glacier flew through here and made a deep river bed. In the middle are the mountains, and between the two peaks there are some clouds. The clouds come across the mountain and it just looked so marvelous. At the left bottom side of the picture, there is a white mountain. The mountain is surrounded by the clouds so it is not easy to be recognized. That mountain is really high and the snow there won’t melt in the whole year, so it looks pure white and shining. Also the right middle side of the picture, there is another mountain full of snow on it. At the bottom of the dark green peak, there are two boats. Both of them are filled up with tourisms taking pictures for these breathtaking scenes.

The picture is below this article.

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