Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My First Impression of Chang Gung University

Life in the university is totally different from my high school life. I had been studying at the same private school for six years from junior high to senior high school. Even though Chang-Gung is also a private school, I get much more freedom which was almost impossible in the past. I am now facing a new situation, and I am sure to get used to it soon.
To compare CGU with other universities, Chang-Gung is quite small and lack of history. However, the classmates, teachers and all the staff I had met here are all nice. Therefore, I really like this school, but still, it’s a pity that there is no air condition in the dorm. It is hard to imagine how life will be without air condition in the summer time. Besides, the school really provides me a good place to study, for example, the basketball court is just next to the dorm, so I can exercise whenever I want. Moreover, the first base floor of the library is the best place for me to study hard without any distraction, and it makes me well-prepared for the coming exams.
Finally, about the English writing class, my English writing ability is not very good. I think the main reason is the lack of vocabulary, but I wish I could improve both vocabulary and writing skill in this course.

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