Monday, March 26, 2007

The First Post

This is my first time to have a blog online. It's quite interesting, but I really have no idea what to post. The first thing that came to my mind is to post some news about the NBA. Because I watch the NBA game every week whenever I have time. My favorite team is the Dallas Mavericks. And ........ maybe that's all. I'll have some more new articles in the future.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This artical is made by my classmates in the English writing class

This artical is made by my classmates in the English writing class. It's nothing about me!!!!!

A long time ago, there was a powerful panda living in Taiwan. He don’t like eat bamboo. His favorite food is junk. One day he walks on the street and he found that there is a big shit on the road. Wow, he is so happy because it contains lot of nutrients in it, besides, it was made by a golden dog. He ate the shit and then went away. Later, he discover that he make it on his own. As a result, he doesn’t need to find food any longer, and he just keeps having shit as his favorite meal in his life.